Unit styles of justunits

The formatting of units is sectioned into the separation of attribute/value-unit pairs and the styling of the units themself.


justunits formats by these default definitions.


The style separating attributes/values from units.

justunits.DEFAULT_ALLOWED_SEPARATORS = AttributeUnitSeparators.None

By default only 5 of 7 supported attribute unit separator are taken into account as the absolute certain separation of an single underline or whitespace separated unit is ambiguous, without limiting the results to the content of the unit library. Such a behaviour may be implemented in future releases, if it turns out to be necessary.


The default style how powers are represented.

justunits.DEFAULT_DIVIDING_STYLE = UnitDividingStyle.SLASHED

The default style how unit fractions are represented.

justunits.DEFAULT_SEPARATION_STYLE = UnitSeparationStyle.DOT

The default style by which character units are separated.

justunits.DEFAULT_UNIT_STYLE = UnitPowerStyle.None

The default unit style composed of power-, dividing- and separation-style.

Seperation of attribute/value and unit

AttributeUnitSeparators.WHITESPACE_BOXED = 1

Leads to ‘attribute [unit]’

AttributeUnitSeparators.UNDERLINE_BOXED = 2

Leads to ‘attribute_[unit]’

AttributeUnitSeparators.WHITESPACE_IN = 4

Leads to ‘attribute in unit’

AttributeUnitSeparators.UNDERLINED_IN = 8

Leads to ‘attribute_in_unit’

AttributeUnitSeparators.HASH_SIGN = 16

Leads to ‘attribute#unit’

AttributeUnitSeparators.SINGLE_UNDERLINE = 32

Leads to ‘attribute_unit’

AttributeUnitSeparators.SINGLE_WHITESPACE = 64

Leads to ‘attribute unit’

Styling of just units

Unit power style

UnitPowerStyle.SUPERSCRIPT = 256

Leads to superscripting powers like a⁻¹

UnitPowerStyle.CARET = 512

Powers are represented in ascii compatible like a^-1

Style of divisions

UnitDividingStyle.SLASHED = 1024

Units are divided by a forward slash like a/b.

UnitDividingStyle.BY_POWER = 2048

Divisions of units is represented using powers like a/b being a⋅b⁻¹.

Seperation in between units

UnitSeparationStyle.DOT = 4096

Units are separated using a dot operator like a⋅b

UnitSeparationStyle.ASTERISK = 8192

Units are separated by an asterisk like a*b being ascii compatible.

Complete unit styles

UnitStyle.SIMPLE_ASCII = 9728

Results into ‘kg/(s^2*K)*m^2’

UnitStyle.TOTAL_POWER_ASCII = 10752

Results into ‘kg*s^-2*K^-1*m^2’


Results into ‘kg/(s²⋅K)⋅m²’


Results into ‘kg⋅s⁻²⋅K⁻¹⋅m²’