Welcome to ‘Just SI Units’ documentation!

justunits handles (SI-) units within string occurrences. The module’s justunits tasks are limited to the interchangeability of different unit formatting styles. This module focus just on units, it does not provide unit conversion or anything related to such a topic. It’s purpose is to provide an entry point for a future unit conversion within another module.

A trash panda.

justunits major purpose can be shown with 2 graphs. It’s first purpose is to provide a support for different value/attribute and unit separation styles, which can occur within text files.


The current development state of this project is `alpha`. It’s published for a first stress test of 2 major functions.

Towards the beta

  • naming of modules, classes and methods will change, since the final wording is not done.

  • Code inspections are not finished.

  • The documentation is broad or incomplete.

  • Testing is not complete, as it is added during the first test phase. At this state mostly doctests are applied at class or function level.

digraph separators {
  node [shape=plaintext fontsize=11] {
   a [label="'length in mm'"];
   b [label="'length_in_mm'"];
   c [label="'length [mm]'"];
   d [label="'length_[mm]'"];
   e [label="'length#mm'"];
   f [label="'length mm'"];
   g [label="'length_mm'"];

  justunits [shape=circle];

  justunits -> a, b, c, d, e, f, g [dir="both"];


Figure 1: Supported separations between an attribute/value and a unit.

The second purpose is to detect SI-units and support 4 major layouts emphasising utf8 with superscripts using a dot as a separator.

graph grid {
  node [shape=plaintext width=1.8 fontsize=11] {
    a [label="kg/(s²⋅K)⋅m²"];
    b [label="kg⋅s⁻²⋅K⁻¹⋅m²"];
    c [label="kg/(s^2*K)*m^2"];
    d [label="kg*s^-2*K^-1*m^2"];

  node [shape=boxed width=1.5] {
     slashed; power [label="by power"];

  node [shape=boxed width=1] {
     utf8; ascii

    a -- d
    c -- b

    slashed -- a -- c
    power -- b -- d

    rank=same {slashed power}
    rank=same {utf8 -- a -- b}
    rank=same {ascii -- c -- d}

Figure 2: Unit representations supported by justunits.

Indices and tables